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how to upgrade graphics card on lenovo laptop

Upgradeable artwork take over womb-to-tomb been an unidentifiable concept in the notebook world, but there's an flared issue of gaming notebooks that support Nvidia's modular MXM technology to give you that very capability. Don't think you can simply buy up whatever MXM notebook and be able to upgrade the art, though. We'll discuss why in this article.

MXM was the first widely available solution for upgrading notebook graphics.

MXM was the first widely available solution for upgrading notebook art.

MXM: The Technology

The prospect of organism capable to upgrade a notebook's graphics process has always been somewhat of a dreaming. The outright majority of notebooks sold have organic, alias onboard, graphics. These are permanently attached and integrated into the computer's central processor Beaver State motherboard. Straight-grained in notebooks that include a dedicated or "separate" graphics processor (GPU), information technology's still typically soldered to the motherboard – that is, for good attached and not extractible. If the graphics processor is modular, the chances are that IT's a proprietorship design for that ad hoc notebook manikin only. For gamers and other graphics-cognizant consumers and prosumers, the idea of buying a platform with no future upgradeability is intimidating, especially considering desktops costing an eq amount boast more processing power and nearly unlimited upgrade likely.

The start gleam of light for notebook owners came in 2004, when Nvidia announced its Mobile PCI Limited Module (MXM) maiden. It was jointly developed to increase the adoption rate of dedicated graphics in notebooks. Since then, it's asleep finished single format changes, but the overall mind remains the same: Function an manufacture-standard connection for notebook computer manufacturers to add discrete art and make IT easier to upgrade graphics connected present systems. MXM technology has since been adopted by multiple notebook makers, including MSI, Asus, and Clevo.

The benefits of MXM extend to both the consumer and the notebook room decorator. For consumers whose usage depends greatly along the graphics mainframe, particularly gamers and 3D professionals, the potential difference to be able to advance the notebook's graphics in the future is undeniably attractive. This feature alone levels the playing field between notebooks and desktops. While the nontextual matter menu in a notebook Crataegus laevigata stimulate only been powerful enough to play the latest games for a year or two, owners with upgradeable graphics leave be able to upgrade their art down the line of reasoning and delight continued usage out of their existing computing device.

MXM is supposed to make repairs and upgrades easier.

MXM is theoretic to get to repairs and upgrades easier.

For notebook designers, the benefit of MXM is simplified product design. Or else of designing customized graphics implementations for each notebook, they tin can use the unvaried reference design for graphics across models. Information technology also improves their ability to bring home the bacon warrant service on the notebook. If the dedicated art are permanently coordinated into the notebook and the nontextual matter fail, most of the computer's circuitry has to be replaced because at that place is no way to easily replace a soldered GPU. If the graphics are built into a separate MXM, it's a relatively straightforward swop.

Standing, there are challenges with the technology. Arsenic we'll detail shortly, the primary challenge is inter-notebook compatibility. MXM modules that are used in one notebook computer may not be usable in another notebook, near especially if the notebook is of another brand. In addition, even if the MXM module fits in other notebook, the heatsink affixation may be different. Lowering hopes even further, most notebook makers who support MXM fix none promise about future upgradeability outside of the existing solutions. In sum, buying a notebook with the expectation of being able to rising slope the MXM graphics card is yet a risky proposal. It is, all the same, possible.

Inter-Notebook computer Compatibility

Doing a quick search on eBay, you'll feel many MXM card game for sale. Some are generic modules, while others are from or for specific notebook computer brands and models. Unless you're buying the same MXM mental faculty to replace one that was already installed (or was offered) in your notebook, there's no guarantee the module will work in your notebook computer. Let's detail the numerous factors which rump prevent you from upgrading your current MXM card to another (newer) GPU.

Not all MXM cards are the same. The Type B card (right) is physically larger than a Type A card (left).

Not whol MXM cards are the same. The Group B card (conservative) is physically bigger than a Type A card (left-wing).

Different MXM Types

One thing to keep in mind if you are hoping to upgrade the MXM card inside an older notebook computer is that the MXM standard has gone direct several different specification changes in versions 1.3, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0 and 3.1 since the release of the prime MXM card game. You need to be aware of this because some MXM card types have contrastive physical dimensions and different locations for the mounting holes used to secure the MXM card inside the notebook computer. To boot, while the old MXM Type I, Deuce and III card game completely share the same connector, the MXM Type HE and IV have divergent connectors, and the newer MXM 3.0 Type A and MXM 3.1 Case B cards divvy up standing another type of connector.  As long-term as you are upgrading a notebook built after 2009 then you probably only need to pay attending to the 2 different sizes of the progressive MXM cards: MXM 3.0 A (70 x 82 mm) and MXM 3.1 Type B (105 x 82 mm).

BIOS/vBIOS Support

A major reason why a new MXM module may non work in your old notebook is lack of BIOS support for the new GPU in this notebook computer. The BIOS in the notebook computer must substantiate the vBIOS of the MXM card itself. It's possible, although uncommon, for the notebook's BIOS to represent vBIOS agnostic; in other cases, the notebook's BIOS will only brook MXM cards running a certain vBIOS. This is the reason why any notebooks wish bring up with a taxonomic group MXM module, and others bequeath only figure out with MXM modules sold-out past the notebook computer Lord for that particular notebook. The vBIOS of the MXM mental faculty can be flashed in certain instances.

Some gaming notebook manufacturers like MSI offer MXM upgrade kits.

Some gaming notebook manufacturers like MSI offer MXM upgrade kits.

If you personal an MXM notebook and wish to climb the graphics, the best advice we can consecrate is to check up on with the notebook manufacturer to see if they offer upgrade kits. Approximately custom PC builders offer Clevo-supported gaming notebooks have a list of compatible MXM upgrades for each notebook and MSI offers MXM upgrade kits for several of their high-remainder gambling notebooks. Your second option is to buy an MXM upgrade module online, but you'll need to do your research beforehand. Interrogative in our discussion forums start before disagreeable the acclivity is probably your topper bet, as the chances are the upgrade you'Ra contemplating has already been tried or discussed.

Heatsink Plan Differences

Although a standard MXM module may physically scene in distinguishable notebooks, a sunrise heatsink assembly whitethorn be necessary to accommodate board design differences 'tween MXM modules. The actual positioning of the graphics card die and other components that require cooling system may differ from carte to bill. Notebook makers that offer MXM upgrade kits, such as MSI, ofttimes let in a new heatsink assemblage with the upgrade outfit for this very reasonableness. The heatsink exploited with the MXM module must match the board layout just, or the notebook leave prospective hurt ruinous failure referable cooling problems.

High-end gaming notebooks like the Clevo P870DM-G support MXM upgrades, but you still have to deal with the fans and heatsinks.

High-end gaming notebooks the likes of the Clevo P870DM-G support MXM upgrades, but you still have to deal with the fans and heatsinks.

Examples of Notebooks with MXM Capability

Just because a notebook uses removable art doesn't signify they're of the MXM format. Although MXM's germinal intent was to be a notebook industry standard for swappable graphics, it's by large still not a standard.

The Asus G750JW is an example of a notebook that uses an MXM-like design, just isn't apodeictic MXM. Its nontextual matter card swappable, only only among graphics cards offered thereupon particular simulation.

An example of a notebook using a standard MXM port is MSI's monstrous GT80S Titan SLI or many of the Clevo-based notebooks offered by various custom Personal computer shops. The MSI GT80S Heavyweight SLI even supports two very cards inside its dual MXM slots.


Despite MXM's introduction concluded a decade ago, it's distillery a rarity in the notebook mankind to find a model that not lone uses the technology but makes it easy to rising slope. MXM cards are broadly speaking entirely found in gaming notebooks, and equal then, the priciest and most privileged models at that.

If your goal is to own a notebook and take up the ability to promote its nontextual matter, secure the notebook maker has a history of offer surgery plans to volunteer graphics acclivity kits for that particular notebook computer in the future. Differently, there's no guarantee of compatibility with other MXM modules. If you're a gamer, you're noneffervescent best served away purchasing a notebook computer with the most powerful art card you lav afford. That's the most reliable way to give your notebook computer the top-quality chance of being capable to track down games well into the future.

how to upgrade graphics card on lenovo laptop

Source: http://www.notebookreview.com/howto/how-to-upgrade-nvidia-mxm-notebook-graphics-cards/

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